WaterLoo Street

Waterloo Street (Chinese: 滑铁卢街) is a two-way street in downtown Singapore stretching from Rochor Road to Bras Basah Road. It passes through the planning areas of Rochor and Museum Planning Area.

Waterloo street is parallel to North Bridge Road, Victoria Street, Queen Street ( in sequence). These were the major roads to the city in the olden days. As the road names were too difficult to pronounce, the locals simply called them Toa Beh Lo, Tzee Beh Lo, Sa Beh Lo which means “the big(first) road”, “the second road”, “the third road”. The Hokkiens and Teochews call Waterloo Street si beh lo which simply means “the forth road”.



Information : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterloo_Street

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